Archive for the 'smartphone-penmanship' Category


November 3, 2015


I smile in relaxation every time this happens. It’s like a giant weight has just been released from within me — maybe like less-extreme version of giving birth? It’s a weightlessness, coupled with a feeling of purification that no holy month could match. Peace. And tranquility.

It’s not PC. It’s not considered ‘pleasant’ in daily conversation. It’s an effective crutch to fall on for humor with buddies.

Man, there’s nothing like taking a nice big dump in the morning. Eat your veggies kids, especially for dinner.


November 2, 2015

They say the heart wants what it wants. Why does mine want just so damn much? Why couldn’t it settle for less?

Am I greedy? Ungrateful? Yearning for a life that’s impossible, yet spinning my wheels and getting burned out?

Or am I naive? Exposed to too much for my own good, destined to frustrate myself to the end?

Or am I broken? Filling a void from years past? Which one, of several?

There are actually some people who would rather just live life loving, spending time with their closest ones. Laughing, being happy and making others happy. And I’m willing to bet they’re the ones who get hundreds of people on their deathbed, genuinely missed by all. Is that where I need to be, instead?


October 31, 2015

Communication and respect. Not having these two is hell, I don’t care who you are, where you are.

Sad thing is, hell is often found at home. Not on purpose, no, but through years of poor habits, dumb “should-be’s” that are never questioned, and an aversion to learning & growth.

It is not your sons and daughters duty to repair bridges that you yourself broke repeatedly over the years. How could they, even? Every time it left a little scar inside their body, right in front of their heart. Imagine those times spread over two decades. And it’s all just supposed to vanish, just like that?

No fucking way.